Saturday 30 August 2008

i am so touched by it and i dont know why. its overwhelming.


Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand

Dont ask any questions and dont try to understand

Open up your mind and then open up your heart

And you will see that you and me arent very far apart

cause I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

Violence is spread worldwide and there are families on the street

And we sell drugs to children now oh why cant we just see

That all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today

Money is our incentive now so that makes it okay

But I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way
Ive been seeing lisa now for a little over a year

She said shes never been so happy but lisa lives in fear

That one day daddys gonna find out shes in love

With a nigger from the streets

Oh how he would lose it then but shes still here with mecause she believes that love will see it through

And one day hell understand

And hell see me as a person not just a black man

cause I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

I believe I believe I believe I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Please love find the way

Please love find the way

Since we got a net connection at home my cyber world was just so updated. i was able to recover all my favorite hit songs since my grade school days. i started retrieving all my fave songs since i signed up w/a site named imeem. i realized that music or a song is a part of me. MTV opened up my music world. i still remember those days wherein i've been watching the top 20 songs of the month and who would get the number 1 spot. it was really fun and infact it thrilled me who'd get the number 1 spot.

SO WHAT ABOUT THIS SONG "i believe"? Well definitely im an asian and not a black man but this song is for everyone right? LOVE. EQUALITY. VIOLENCE IS SPREADING. DRUGS RISK ONES FUTURE. Well i guess this song indeed moved me. while listening to the song i felt really great and just wanna enjoy more of life and living it right. I heard this song long time ago and since then it became part of me. every lyrics of it was just so powerful and so overwhelming.infact what even made it greater is the video w/c quotes are being presented w/c i hope people should ponder upon. i as a person believe that there is more to life and we just have to seek it all by ourselves. what we have now in life is temporarily given to us by God what really matters is, is our dedication and love for Christ. yup, i agree i am not a prefect person and infact i am still in search of Christ and that i am still closed to the worldly stuff. but i guess this is how life works for me but i also know that life doesnt end here. i just live life happily each day despite life's challenges because i know through this it will make me a better person. this song also made me realized of my friends who i hope in the future will gain nothing but pure happiness and contentment in their hearts. i am blessed to be given so much friends and i will treasure them all. i also realized that my addictions in life arent that shallow and i do not demand so much of something. i mean i demand but not as severe like other children do to their parents who give so much pain without them realizing it. i can say that life for me is definitely great and fun. despite life's tribulation i know i can manage and w/my limitations in life i know id be in a safe ground. i dont know how my parents brought me up but i guess what i am now is the product of how much love they have showered upon me. i treat life optimistically and i am proud to be this way.

yes, i agree. Love is the answer and love will find the way. when you have the love burning in your heart definitely you just wanna share it and infect everyone. the person who has this gift definitely do not choose who's gonna get the love he/she has to give. it is good to show to someone or pass to someone the love that is overflowing in your heart. the person who has love will definitely enjoy the life.

so here is the link to the video w/c i hope you should ponder upon especially the qoutes being presented and which i have also saved. totally great! -

Wednesday 27 August 2008

what the fuck

ok so what am i gonna say here. mz. tine again introduced me to this site. i never knew victoria is holding my portrait! what the effin fuck! hahaha lolz. cool stuff isnt it? or better yet i'd be branded being so crazy posting this.well to whatever is this worth for.. well .. even me i do not know what worth does this have. enjoy life everybody. and keep on smiling =)

welcoming myself to this site

August 28, 2008 , around 1:30 pm here in Philippines and its official that i created an account w/the help of my friend, a promoter of this site(whoever owns this site you should pay my friend named -Mz. Tine Serrano.) hahahaha lolz.

well i guess i am the type of person who's not fond of writing something especially blogsss..which makes me wonder why am i writing now. well as they say everything happens for a damn good reason. so to my friend tine -ola mi amiga this better be good and will enhance my writing skills and make me jump like a kid. lolz.

so yea to start with. Hello everyone my name is Elbert Erikson Ramos Solon.i am a 21 year old pinoy dude who wants to graduate as soon as possible. i am on my 4th year college now taking up nursing. im not sure if this course truly is meant for me but i trust God that whereever i go and whatever i choose in life it is for my own good. People say i look snob and harsh at first glance but the truth is i can be a candidate for Presidency for being to friendly and loving while campaigning.lolz.well you know what i mean..

i have a pet named emoe and hes so adorable. i chose the name beacause when emoe was given to me by my aunt he looks so emo!! so sad looking! lolz! hahaha. i never thought i could own a puppy and even nurse one. infact i used to be the type of person wherein i couldnt allow myself to stay home or be home after my classes but because of emoe it feels great going home knowing i have a dog that will embrace me the moment i open our gate. but its sucks to think that maybe this is what parents feel the moment they go home and seeing their children. omg i cant be that yet.lolz

i love partying. and i believe that it makes me really alive and i dont know why. but unfortunately sticking to one place here in Davao makes me really just wanna vomit seeing same faces and same places. and the party scene is just declining. i prefer tehcno and house music but i love rock songs to w/c do give me hyper mode plus some alternative and old long lasting 80's to w/c makes me an all around lover of music.i love drinking but i do drink occasionally and my drink is always something mixed w/a lime or that sour taste.ever tasted the sour gummy bear? kind like that.. and yea gummy bear candy for me just removes my stress!
i treat people equally and i do not judged people easily. i welcome everybody as if i was their friend since pre-school. but i guess and as my friend told me that me being too friendly also gives people the chance to abuse me. that is why i set on limitations now.

i believe that there is more to life than superficial things. i admit i am a materialistic type of guy and i consider myself as a "one day millionaire" since whenever i have a money on hand at the end of the day it just disappears, i just cudnt help myself. behind that indeed my ultimate goal is whenever i buy stuff or spend on something i always do it for myself's comfort and to my friends. i know when i die i cant bring money in heaven(yea i should be in heaven, damn its too hot in hell haha lolz) but spending that money will add up giving me lasting memories being w/my firends w/c makes it all worth it. so i guess me being superficial isnt on a negative connotation right.

so i guess ill stop here.

some picture of me and again my friend who's the promoter of this site.lolz