Thursday 18 September 2008

September 17-18, 2008

whew so basically this blog is my experience within the dates mentioned as my title!

it was my last day duty for my second time exposure in DMC and as what i have concluded i wouldnt end my exposure in DMC w/out any wild experiences! okay so first it was such a great achievement for me to been able to insert my first ever IV insertion w/my partner! you see in Davao doctors hospital and even in our school having RD's or inserting IV to our patients or even w/my groupmates arent really given. Fortunately Mr. Apolinar my clinical instructor(c.i) gave as the opportunity to learn on how to insert an I.V. We used the pedia, color yellow canula gauge 24 or 23 i guess. so yea thats it. at first i was fucking hesitant to pursue such unusual thing to do since i hate to see blood and i hate injections! i guess i have phobia towards it but yea for the sake of getting a grade of 100 that will serve as our post quiz so yea i just moved on and do what i think i shouldnt escape. i believe my clinical instructor will be there to guide me and since its for my own benefit as well! again i was the star, my groupmates long waited for my turn and upon sitting down they started to laugh. toink! they just love me! hahaha! they took a video of me. what made it funnier is that upon inserting it they told me this term to hold in the canula in a visayan version and i just couldnt understand them! i was so being pressured that time and i shouted saying(w/a bad word-putang ina!) "ano sa tagalog yan kay di ko maintindihan!" then they all laughed! toink! so yea to cut it short i got the 100 score for being able to shoot it directly in the vein- 45 degress then 15 degrees! ooo lalala yahoooooooo! it wasnt that hard after all! but still i hate blood! i get paranoid since i love watching psycho films-blood spurting etc.!!

in continuation..since we had the most coolest C.I, he decided since its our last duty, to end it by 8pm and do our I.V insertion and then go to damosa gateway afterwards!! we dint have our case presentation but instead just passed to him directly for the checking! At damosa around like 10:30pm we ate at mcdo and i was surprised to see a lot of improvements. though ive been there before but i dint see the new coffeeshop just at the back of Mcdonalds. i will check out that place soon.

11-ish something i started to yawn! then after at mcdo we went to bluepost Lanang! since my groupmates havent had enough of the fun yet. they just wanna conitnue on to chill! as for me i honestly got confused if i'd still go or not since i have another invitation of my friend who is leaving to vegas the next day. ok so i yawned again. grrr. so yea i decided to just go on w/my groupmates since this happen once in awhile and i dont want to turn it down. whew, yawn yawn again!!! at first i was ok w/it. i started to make them laugh blah blah.. then they started to do billiards which i am not into playing it. i refused the beer since i dont wanna get allergy. the music started to play boring songs again- YAAAAWN!! still i managed to be w/my groupmates. but i have to say this the people there that time look like some balot vendors. it freaked me out. i mean i am not a prejudice type of person but i believe blue post Lanang before has people not like them. omg lolz. whatever. I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE!! yea here are some pix taken that time together w/my groupmates and C.i.

okay around 12-ish i guess.. i decided to go home but i just couldnt decline the invitation of atleast saying my farewell to my french booty friend Mrs. Brisson Lopez! and to see my PATAKI Helga kang david! again at the old BLUE POST PONCIANO this time! omg same place, same scene again! wild shit! yaaawn but im good!! so yea blah blah a lot of talk shit on the house which i really dont give a damn but yea it was fun atleast conversing despite me being soo overly sleepy!! 4x yawn in minute i guess! my eyes are like in tears already! hahaha! okay so around 1:30-ish i guess what i thought that was like the end of the event another 1 bucket of beer came in. im like so SO SOO woah KANG DAVID I WANNA LEAVE!! god! my eyebags are in black color and sagging now! yaaaaaaaaaaawn again! okay to cut it short tere decided to go urban club just to drop by and listen to somehow some justifiable music and drink! woah i was like in my most happiest agreeable moment in my life! for me its my way to be able to go home.

i was thinking to take a cab the moment i stepped out at the car then just let them go to urban and me to go home! but i guess another "no choice moment" for me. they wouldnt let me go. okay the most wild experience ever it was my first time to go inside a club w/my type C nursing uniform pants and my "expensive" nursing shoes!! good thing i brought my hoody shirt. hahaha! then i got several textes and calls from my mom. shoot i forgot to inform her that i was going out to see a friend. then i lied! i just told her i was making my part in cp. lolz love you mom! thanks to kang david! all favor i have given to you!!! you better make it up to me the next time dearie! again yaaaaaaaaaaawn moment of me! i guess it was like 2:15am-ish when we went out the club.

again i thought i was finally going home but then KANG DAVID THE MOST FLAMMING b*tch ask me a favor to accompany her to mcdo bajada for us just to chill for like a lil time! so goodluck! one of my motto in life is- "once im out i'm already out!!" so yea we went to mcdo. it was fun talking to kang and saddening to see my face mess up,so haggard looking! plus another stressor contribution came in some call center agent group i guess w/their corporate attire was so funny, one of them look like at her 30's but she sounded like a fetus screaming out her way to her mom's vagina!! what is happening to the world! then beside our table was a group of japanese! looking at those korean teen girls at our back! damn! japanese flirt so obviously! the way they look at the korean girls was like them taking off their clothes! me and kang was like WOAh STRESS!! hahaha! ok so i guess kang took some 4-shots simultaneously of me! but im posting only 2 pix since the rest was all THE SAME LOLZ! KANG DUH! here it is hahaha

i realized then that it was thursday already and i got home like 3:10am-ish. then had to attend my class by 1pm! darn! so yea i was having body malaise and i just wanna be absent but i cant since i've been absent for the past 2 weeks. its only a minor subject anyway and my teacher likes my performance. so i had to abuse it! i was so fucked up tired and stress looking but somehow gained a lil bit of energy and inspiration since it was this day wherein i knew that i got an 80 grade in my pre-finals so weee! haha. after 4pm me together w/althea my classmate. went to ilustre gs to look for something ... while walking i was like floating! my eyebags are like major grrr... so this is it! i am still alive people and kicking! just blogging!

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