Thursday 18 December 2008


December 17,18 and today December 19, 2008! i officially felt the spirit of christmas! i thought chirtmas this year in a tropical country would be hot but now i just love it! the weather outside is already cold and im just inspired in everything! the breeze outside and touches my face made me feel all the love in the world! i dont know why but i guess this is what they call THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS and it keeps me humble!
December 17, 2009 was my last duty exposure in the hospital. im so glad to have the most relax duty ever for being a Practicing Clinical Instructor! what made it more special is that it started my morning and ended my AM shift so cold. it was drizzling outside. how i wish it was a snow but that was just a wish i guess (haha). Being a PCI made me feel so "above" or should i say superior! i handled one 3rd year student and im lucky since she wasnt that type of student who doesnt know what to do or very dependent to the Ci. it was fun for my part because it made my responsibility less of what it should be. around 12pm we had our lunch and again it was cold. it was only a half day duty since the 3rd year students that we handled has to present their Case Presentation. among the PCI i was the most generous, accomodating and NON-THREATENING to the students unlike some of my colleagues. i know my 3rd year student was happy for it. during their case presentation i just couldnt wait for the shift to get over with because i just wanna end the school thing and start my xmas break and start shopping all i need for christmas!
December 18, 2008 is a thursday here in Philippines. it was cold! its really christmas i am definitely feeling it.this the day where i wanna spend for myself. but instead i shared it w/my tita and niece! we went shopping coz my tita asked me a favor to accompany her to buy some gifts to her subordinates. im just blessed having her and i ended the day so successful coz i was able to buy the things i need for christmas. not to mention, clothes to wear for xmas (hahaha).
December 19, 2008! my last ncm lecture in 2008!! it wasnt really that serious lecture since everyone is very excited to just end the lecture and go out and start enjoying the xmas break. our CI was so generous and made the lecture more fun we just had a game in connection to our concept lecture! by 11am we were dismissed and i, together w/some of my classamtes spend a little time and ate at space burger just near davao doc hospital! again the breeze of air contained love and excitement!
Truly christmas is something we should always enjoy and cherish. Truly God lives now since the day he was born on this month of December!
i cant wait to party, see my friends and most especially spend more time w/my family and dog too!

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