Sunday 21 December 2008

Life is a perspective and how you look at it!

Woah! I just had a serious conversation! I realized that life is indeed a matter of your own perspective! I just wish that life isn’t easily be judged but instead letting it go and supporting whatever someone is projecting. I think that we all have reasons to what we are doing and that we should respect. I am a happy person and one way for me to celebrate happiness is buying new NEW THINGS! And I don’t know what’s up with that or who influenced me while growing up! Let’s just say I grew up who expects something new in everything especially when there’s an up coming event! I don’t necessarily mean an event like a big party scene but I can also say that events like when a friend’s coming home or something like that. For me to expect something special needs a preparation. People may think I’m so material, so “pa-porma”, vain, party goer by hobby, picky w/people. Of course those are the people who doesn’t know me that much!! And I feel sad when it lingers my thought because it doesn’t go or imply that way. It actually made me feel useless or dumb for being like this in their own interpretation. I have my reasons and definitely it’s more than that. It’s me feeling good on the inside and out to actually see someone who I love or is significant into my life. I wish those people would see me that way instead of just the façade they mistakenly seeing at me. If I am to put myself in their shoes it would definitely go otherwise. I treat and respect everyone equally and I do not simply judge. “Do not judge the book by its cover”, yes I agree to this famous quote. I mean what could be their possible reason to judge simply because of what I wear and what I do to myself. So maybe you are thinking it’s all because of what I wear and how I look that made me write this whatever blog? I say to you it’s a NO. It’s more than that. It’s me seeing people how judgemental they are and how they perceive a person and welcome them in their life w/their own BASIS! A pitiful BASIS! So I guess that life is a matter of perspective. I wear this and I do that because I am happy and I am sharing it to someone dear to me and not just being like that for the sake of impressing people around me. I am definitely not that and that is my perspective or outlook in life. doesn't sound negative right? yes this is me. To end this boring blog, I can just say to some people to just fuck off and start minding your own businessesssss after all it isn’t your life that you are judging but someone else’s and that someone else is me and I am proud of myself and definitely higher on your rank. Start living it up coz I believe you only live once so make the most of it. Peace out and cheers =)

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