Sunday 21 December 2008

Life is a perspective and how you look at it!

Woah! I just had a serious conversation! I realized that life is indeed a matter of your own perspective! I just wish that life isn’t easily be judged but instead letting it go and supporting whatever someone is projecting. I think that we all have reasons to what we are doing and that we should respect. I am a happy person and one way for me to celebrate happiness is buying new NEW THINGS! And I don’t know what’s up with that or who influenced me while growing up! Let’s just say I grew up who expects something new in everything especially when there’s an up coming event! I don’t necessarily mean an event like a big party scene but I can also say that events like when a friend’s coming home or something like that. For me to expect something special needs a preparation. People may think I’m so material, so “pa-porma”, vain, party goer by hobby, picky w/people. Of course those are the people who doesn’t know me that much!! And I feel sad when it lingers my thought because it doesn’t go or imply that way. It actually made me feel useless or dumb for being like this in their own interpretation. I have my reasons and definitely it’s more than that. It’s me feeling good on the inside and out to actually see someone who I love or is significant into my life. I wish those people would see me that way instead of just the façade they mistakenly seeing at me. If I am to put myself in their shoes it would definitely go otherwise. I treat and respect everyone equally and I do not simply judge. “Do not judge the book by its cover”, yes I agree to this famous quote. I mean what could be their possible reason to judge simply because of what I wear and what I do to myself. So maybe you are thinking it’s all because of what I wear and how I look that made me write this whatever blog? I say to you it’s a NO. It’s more than that. It’s me seeing people how judgemental they are and how they perceive a person and welcome them in their life w/their own BASIS! A pitiful BASIS! So I guess that life is a matter of perspective. I wear this and I do that because I am happy and I am sharing it to someone dear to me and not just being like that for the sake of impressing people around me. I am definitely not that and that is my perspective or outlook in life. doesn't sound negative right? yes this is me. To end this boring blog, I can just say to some people to just fuck off and start minding your own businessesssss after all it isn’t your life that you are judging but someone else’s and that someone else is me and I am proud of myself and definitely higher on your rank. Start living it up coz I believe you only live once so make the most of it. Peace out and cheers =)

Thursday 18 December 2008


December 17,18 and today December 19, 2008! i officially felt the spirit of christmas! i thought chirtmas this year in a tropical country would be hot but now i just love it! the weather outside is already cold and im just inspired in everything! the breeze outside and touches my face made me feel all the love in the world! i dont know why but i guess this is what they call THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS and it keeps me humble!
December 17, 2009 was my last duty exposure in the hospital. im so glad to have the most relax duty ever for being a Practicing Clinical Instructor! what made it more special is that it started my morning and ended my AM shift so cold. it was drizzling outside. how i wish it was a snow but that was just a wish i guess (haha). Being a PCI made me feel so "above" or should i say superior! i handled one 3rd year student and im lucky since she wasnt that type of student who doesnt know what to do or very dependent to the Ci. it was fun for my part because it made my responsibility less of what it should be. around 12pm we had our lunch and again it was cold. it was only a half day duty since the 3rd year students that we handled has to present their Case Presentation. among the PCI i was the most generous, accomodating and NON-THREATENING to the students unlike some of my colleagues. i know my 3rd year student was happy for it. during their case presentation i just couldnt wait for the shift to get over with because i just wanna end the school thing and start my xmas break and start shopping all i need for christmas!
December 18, 2008 is a thursday here in Philippines. it was cold! its really christmas i am definitely feeling it.this the day where i wanna spend for myself. but instead i shared it w/my tita and niece! we went shopping coz my tita asked me a favor to accompany her to buy some gifts to her subordinates. im just blessed having her and i ended the day so successful coz i was able to buy the things i need for christmas. not to mention, clothes to wear for xmas (hahaha).
December 19, 2008! my last ncm lecture in 2008!! it wasnt really that serious lecture since everyone is very excited to just end the lecture and go out and start enjoying the xmas break. our CI was so generous and made the lecture more fun we just had a game in connection to our concept lecture! by 11am we were dismissed and i, together w/some of my classamtes spend a little time and ate at space burger just near davao doc hospital! again the breeze of air contained love and excitement!
Truly christmas is something we should always enjoy and cherish. Truly God lives now since the day he was born on this month of December!
i cant wait to party, see my friends and most especially spend more time w/my family and dog too!

Wednesday 5 November 2008


i never actually felt being a student really in my life and be motivated to just finish my studies. its funny that when im about to graduate now it is infact the only times i could feel what a student really is wherein to study, time management, and prioritizing. i wasnt like this ever since but i think that i just needed to act and feel how it really is, FOR THE LAST TIME, to be a student! YES! a student who reads and not party and other side lines! this is me for the last remaining days of my stay in college to act being a student. i am so happy just thinking that few months from now i'll be finishing my responsibility as a student. it wasnt like yesterday wherein i used to wear ateneo's shorts, or not to mention mini shorts for the boys uniform! haha! then followed up by a blue long pants then finally when reached my high school it was upgraded by a khaki colored pants! life of being a student is really fun! in Grade school i was one of the victims owning a stroller bag! which after many years i admit i never liked it coz its heavy, since we dont have an elevator at that building and it was like on the 3rd floor to finally stroll my STROLLER OMG BAG! but since it was a trend during those days well atleast i wasnt out of what is latest! it makes me laugh out loud just thinking how loser and corny i was before! totally cheeeezy! but in Grade school i value the sense of leadership, not to mention i became a candidate for PRESIDENCY for the CLASS LEADERS ELECTION! go OBAMA! my god lolz!!! then indeed i became the class president for 3 periods or like terms! i must say that majority or i think it was everybody who voted for me just voted for the reason that i am one big laughing stock and a joke once declared being a president! weee hahaha! a friend of mine nominated me and she was indeed influencial and crazy in her nature in our class! definitely i am not the type of person who is responsible, smart, or whatever quality a leader has but i think that time it molded me to become one which i believed that i am still carrying it now in my college life, only a discreet not obvious leader looking. i must say i can be a leader but as much as possible i am staying away of being as such! so in Grade school this is only a few of the many memories i could only share to you guys and gals. then came high school i can say that high school life is indeed a memory that is going to last forever! what happened in high school totally rocked my world and contributed a lot to who and what i am today! high school is a blast! it was like me getting out of my shell and just live it up! and i say i lived it well! i dont know what came into me that now a days i just think of the past and the good memories that was attached to it. i am the type of person who live life to the fullest and today i am valuing life more than before. MUCH MORE! as a graduating student i just couldnt think of any but wonder what my future is and how i'd live in it. i hope to be in the places where i want to be. i wanna be someone new and start all over again. it's not me saying that i am erasing my past and even the friends i have here nor isolating myself. it's me saying that i want more to life! human as we are we will never be contented what we have right now in our life. it is our perfect and dyanamic nature to seek and continue seeking. okay so ill just end this blog giving you the bottom line of this blog and it is- I AM GRADUATING SOON AND IT IS GIVING ME TREMENDOUS, AMAZING FEELING and at the same time it is looking forward for a bright, exciting future that awaits me! if God's will He will give me my hopes in my future =)

Sunday 26 October 2008


So before reading this blog. please click this music video w/c im listening while making this blog. you too should listen to this while reading:

hi. welcome to my "ISSUES" blog again. this blog is about me and the changes that has occured to me. so just last night(Oct. 25) i went out to see some of my friends. the feeling i get wasnt good and i was hoping that id go home atleast saying to myself that i had fun. i used to be a party addict before. it wasnt just all about party really. i would define it as something beyond than that. its being w/friends, meeting new friends and over all the SATISFYING GOODVIBEZ FUN I GET! that's really all about it.

now a days and after years. some people do change. as for me i dint change. its just that this time i think that seeing people, especially my close friends, who has issues just gave me the feeling of confusion. issues that they couldnt handle right. it made me confused because what was before wasnt the exact view i am seeing now. it is destructing to see them that way. i am destructed in a way that i couldnt be what i used to be before, being in my Hyper All Out Mode! because the feeling i get wasnt fun. but i must say that its okay with me to be that way than acting fun when the truth is i am not having one. some people say its part of growing up. well i guess a part of it YES!. but for me its really the people you are with. when you have goodvibez friends nothing could go wrong. i mean basing on my experience id be more effective having fun when w/this kind of fabulous people. i could even spend and just spend on something for as long as i am having fun. but today, oh em geeeeee i cudnt even take out my wallet and spend on something because ..why would i spend on something when theres nothing worth on spending? and the people im with isnt that in their normal state too right? well to some people maybe they wouldnt care at all. well i used to be like that before. but now all i can think of is for me to just graduate soon and work. and go to other place and their party! i just hope that my friends will realize more to life. and not be trapped in a box w/their undying, shallow, cycle issues or problems in life that they tend to forget their friends they are with.

so yea i am under pressured not because of their issues in life. but rather i am under pressured that they wouldnt even realize or even be concerned to someone who they are with. i mean whatever their problem is should only be once said and felt. they shouldnt spoil the night away just because of the craps in their life. i believe that we all have problems in life but it is only ourselves who can find solution in it. nobody is going to be there and fix, clean your shit. a friend will be there for you but the choices has to be made only by ourselves. alcohol wont change anything. sex wouldnt change anything to escape something you think it could. drugs is never a remedee. etc.. etc.. =)

Friday 24 October 2008

it was the longest time. i finally again touched the sands of the beach

October 19, 2008 kang celebrated her bday w/us. A beach somewhere in Samal. I am so happy and excited to go the beach. I cant wait to just plunge into the beach and just walk barefoot. I dont know.. but i've been really longing to go to the beach. Maybe because i was deprived by it due to my social occurrences and i need to be somewhere quiet. I was always out during the night only before. I used to party a lot that's why i am more active during the night but i guess when i entered 3rd year college and now almost graduating, having my major subjects changed my lifestyle. I just dont want to go out partying and drinking anymore but something else. I know that being in the beach is one of those things that i am looking for and now that i was able to go to the beach it was really a fullfiling feeling! I just loved every single moment of it. The weather cooperated to us plus i have two so GOODVIBEZ friends who i was with. Life is really great when having great companies. No issues at all. Just enjoying God's gift and life itself.

Thursday 23 October 2008

farewell =(

Lovely and i met when we were in grade 6 and till then our friendship lasted. the original group was aira,cherry,lovely,yuki,jana, and rusty. i am proud to say that i am belonged to this group. i must say my group is really different from our other batchmates group coz we are pretty much diverse. we werent that climbing-to-the-top kinda like group. instead we are just enjoying what is for the moment and respect each others feelings and interests. we may have different interests, likes and even personalities but it's just amazing that, though not as intact as before but still a few of us remained, we still manage to be together. during high school we are the kind of group, who unlike other group, isnt that together most of the time really but still we consider as something normal w/our friendship. i like the simplicity of my group. and i believe whatever i am now they are part of all the progress that changed in me. Lovely was the "flexible" and overly ENERGETIC ANIMAL (haha) in the group who i cudnt take bringing in a public place coz for sure it would really be a mess just laughing and losing my stature of being a normal person. i missed those days. lovely is really a fun friend and damn she farts the most among us. hahahaha!

October 18,20 2008 these are the dates were this pictures are taken. i am making the most of it seeing my friend lovely who is leaving on the 21st of october to Sweden. this is also the time that i should be making up w/ lovely and her kid gaby since i only get to see them during my semestral break, christmas break. i am astonished seeing my inaanak grew and this time can really walk! i must say it sucks to feel that someone is leaving. i really hate when someone leaves especially when that someone is very close to my heart. so the thing is what really motivated me to blog this is the experience and realizations i have during these times. time flies really fast and now i am almost graduating and everyone too is leaving. me and lovley was separated a long time but indeed friends are really friends despite the distance and shortcomings. before she left ive seen true friends who would really dare to find time despite the hectic schedule just to atleast see that friend and say our farewell. for me its really uplifting seeing that kind of heart and attitude of a person. i think it is also a sign that we have become matured. and i would conclude that people who has that attitude goes to show how genuine all his/her action in showing her being a true a friend or a person in general. me and aira really made an effort to see lovely and her kid! aira has a pm shift call center and i have my own business too. cherry and yuki is at manila and they made effort too to see lovely and they even fetch lovely to the domestic airport and accompany lovely to NAIA for her connecting flight. and now i saw lovely pix in Sweden. i just wish her nothing but all the best. that she may prosper to whatever endeavors she has in life.

old picture of my original tropa:

Monday 13 October 2008

who's my dream girl fantasy?

ok before anything else i am not a pervert posting this two-pieced sexy model adriana lima! so just today someone asked me when i'm planning to have a girlfriend? i just simply said. when i have the money and time. then a friend asked me who's my dream girl fantasy? well i know who and this is her. she's my ANGEL. aside from her physical gift, her personality outshines and that's what i like the most =) blah blah blah.. just blogging and sharing... yada yada

on the other hand, i was thinking since adriana is too busy ramping wearing one of those holly shit expensive heavy tight diamond lingeries ....why wont i think of someone else close to me who WHO..WHo well i can also consider as sexy as her. im so fortunate that all these years this sexy babe is w/me and also taking up nursing course! oh shit! presenting after adriana lima COMES KARLA JEAN DAVID!!! kang hahaha weee i think this is fun and yea sexy ka nmn tlga ah! again presenting - - ever gorgeous caliente flaming @#%$^!!

Saturday 4 October 2008

lets start w/the logo - "you cant be filthy rich..without getting a little dirty"

so yea it all started me watching Smallville, Grey's anatomy and Lost that i had the interest or was hooked up w/ this hot new t.v series. well i can only conclude that maybe my life isnt all the time in active or in action. sometimes life is a bore! so here i am in our couch watching films, or for this matter-tv series! just for me to be amused and escape boredom.

DIRTY SEXY MONEY. this is my latest t.v series that i am hooked upon. THE DARLINGS family is making my boredom turned to fantasy, laughter, laughter and just laughter. god! their richness sometimes is giving them the very dumb reason they can think of! and yea i can also conclude that the power of money is never a subsititue for someones happiness or maybe otherwise? haha. being to dirty indeed gives this family the opportunity to pursue their RICHER lives! yes rich then MORE RICH! i have so much episodes to watch for so far this is what i got from the film!! hahahahaha THE DARLINGS!

when a friendship ends.

I think that part of growing up is realizing so much of things that undergone by someone through experiences. Experiences will either make a person bad or good. The words GOOD and BAD are very profound in human experiences. Nevertheless each and everyone of us knew simply what these two words mean. I believe that we are faced with decisions and these decisions will comprise what our life in the future.

In my world, I can say that I am surrounded with so much friends. This isn’t me boasting but this is me telling or sharing to whoever reads this that sometimes in life we have to remove friends that aren’t really real to themselves because in the end you would also realize that you are just one of his/her toy. I’ve come to realize that I too is a victim of ones fakeness. I live life optimistically and I am definitely a loving and kind person. I wrote this because just recently I have encountered one of my friends who really got into my nerves. She was just so pathetic in life who doesn’t know herself that well and even her friends. She doesn’t know who’s real and who isn’t coz as I’ve concluded she to doesn’t know herself that much. Anyway moving on I just wana say that I have completely forgotten whatever happened last week. Now it’s time to start again a new life! I really love life when no one cares the OH Shit life in this world.


Life for me before was just all about me welcoming friends into my life. But I have changed. I am self-assured that I have in my heart who my real friends are. They are my tropa in grade six grade school days and 5 of them remained and I’m sure 2-3 of them are very much in their genuine state. The remaining still are pending. But I love to be their company and getting to know more of them but still no commitments. Some of them thought that I treat them so close to my heart and yup I told them that personally but because of the person who started to make me be like this so I guess I just have to hang on that vibe. We all have differences but RESPECT is never an exemption regardless of what you are for the moment!

Okay so ill get into it and be direct. Today, I will put some boundaries. Even to my OTHER friends who still I am with. I will be very very careful to myself in showing so much of my kindness. I won’t be a bore to your life but a gift instead. I will be true to you and be a good friend and I will promise that. But if in the end I get something negative from you and doesn’t show me any considerations, respect for a friend, love then it will never be easy for me now to remove you into my life. After all you never knew how to care and love to a friend who showed you nothing but just ME being there for you in those days. People should know that I share blessings in my life and that goes bringing those “friends” with me despite their standards and issues in life. Infact I risk my reputation but whoever cares my reputation in this world BUT only God. God knows who I am and I’m sure He is proud of me.

To end this up all I can I say is peace, love and respect to everyone.

Thursday 18 September 2008

September 17-18, 2008

whew so basically this blog is my experience within the dates mentioned as my title!

it was my last day duty for my second time exposure in DMC and as what i have concluded i wouldnt end my exposure in DMC w/out any wild experiences! okay so first it was such a great achievement for me to been able to insert my first ever IV insertion w/my partner! you see in Davao doctors hospital and even in our school having RD's or inserting IV to our patients or even w/my groupmates arent really given. Fortunately Mr. Apolinar my clinical instructor(c.i) gave as the opportunity to learn on how to insert an I.V. We used the pedia, color yellow canula gauge 24 or 23 i guess. so yea thats it. at first i was fucking hesitant to pursue such unusual thing to do since i hate to see blood and i hate injections! i guess i have phobia towards it but yea for the sake of getting a grade of 100 that will serve as our post quiz so yea i just moved on and do what i think i shouldnt escape. i believe my clinical instructor will be there to guide me and since its for my own benefit as well! again i was the star, my groupmates long waited for my turn and upon sitting down they started to laugh. toink! they just love me! hahaha! they took a video of me. what made it funnier is that upon inserting it they told me this term to hold in the canula in a visayan version and i just couldnt understand them! i was so being pressured that time and i shouted saying(w/a bad word-putang ina!) "ano sa tagalog yan kay di ko maintindihan!" then they all laughed! toink! so yea to cut it short i got the 100 score for being able to shoot it directly in the vein- 45 degress then 15 degrees! ooo lalala yahoooooooo! it wasnt that hard after all! but still i hate blood! i get paranoid since i love watching psycho films-blood spurting etc.!!

in continuation..since we had the most coolest C.I, he decided since its our last duty, to end it by 8pm and do our I.V insertion and then go to damosa gateway afterwards!! we dint have our case presentation but instead just passed to him directly for the checking! At damosa around like 10:30pm we ate at mcdo and i was surprised to see a lot of improvements. though ive been there before but i dint see the new coffeeshop just at the back of Mcdonalds. i will check out that place soon.

11-ish something i started to yawn! then after at mcdo we went to bluepost Lanang! since my groupmates havent had enough of the fun yet. they just wanna conitnue on to chill! as for me i honestly got confused if i'd still go or not since i have another invitation of my friend who is leaving to vegas the next day. ok so i yawned again. grrr. so yea i decided to just go on w/my groupmates since this happen once in awhile and i dont want to turn it down. whew, yawn yawn again!!! at first i was ok w/it. i started to make them laugh blah blah.. then they started to do billiards which i am not into playing it. i refused the beer since i dont wanna get allergy. the music started to play boring songs again- YAAAAWN!! still i managed to be w/my groupmates. but i have to say this the people there that time look like some balot vendors. it freaked me out. i mean i am not a prejudice type of person but i believe blue post Lanang before has people not like them. omg lolz. whatever. I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE!! yea here are some pix taken that time together w/my groupmates and C.i.

okay around 12-ish i guess.. i decided to go home but i just couldnt decline the invitation of atleast saying my farewell to my french booty friend Mrs. Brisson Lopez! and to see my PATAKI Helga kang david! again at the old BLUE POST PONCIANO this time! omg same place, same scene again! wild shit! yaaawn but im good!! so yea blah blah a lot of talk shit on the house which i really dont give a damn but yea it was fun atleast conversing despite me being soo overly sleepy!! 4x yawn in minute i guess! my eyes are like in tears already! hahaha! okay so around 1:30-ish i guess what i thought that was like the end of the event another 1 bucket of beer came in. im like so SO SOO woah KANG DAVID I WANNA LEAVE!! god! my eyebags are in black color and sagging now! yaaaaaaaaaaawn again! okay to cut it short tere decided to go urban club just to drop by and listen to somehow some justifiable music and drink! woah i was like in my most happiest agreeable moment in my life! for me its my way to be able to go home.

i was thinking to take a cab the moment i stepped out at the car then just let them go to urban and me to go home! but i guess another "no choice moment" for me. they wouldnt let me go. okay the most wild experience ever it was my first time to go inside a club w/my type C nursing uniform pants and my "expensive" nursing shoes!! good thing i brought my hoody shirt. hahaha! then i got several textes and calls from my mom. shoot i forgot to inform her that i was going out to see a friend. then i lied! i just told her i was making my part in cp. lolz love you mom! thanks to kang david! all favor i have given to you!!! you better make it up to me the next time dearie! again yaaaaaaaaaaawn moment of me! i guess it was like 2:15am-ish when we went out the club.

again i thought i was finally going home but then KANG DAVID THE MOST FLAMMING b*tch ask me a favor to accompany her to mcdo bajada for us just to chill for like a lil time! so goodluck! one of my motto in life is- "once im out i'm already out!!" so yea we went to mcdo. it was fun talking to kang and saddening to see my face mess up,so haggard looking! plus another stressor contribution came in some call center agent group i guess w/their corporate attire was so funny, one of them look like at her 30's but she sounded like a fetus screaming out her way to her mom's vagina!! what is happening to the world! then beside our table was a group of japanese! looking at those korean teen girls at our back! damn! japanese flirt so obviously! the way they look at the korean girls was like them taking off their clothes! me and kang was like WOAh STRESS!! hahaha! ok so i guess kang took some 4-shots simultaneously of me! but im posting only 2 pix since the rest was all THE SAME LOLZ! KANG DUH! here it is hahaha

i realized then that it was thursday already and i got home like 3:10am-ish. then had to attend my class by 1pm! darn! so yea i was having body malaise and i just wanna be absent but i cant since i've been absent for the past 2 weeks. its only a minor subject anyway and my teacher likes my performance. so i had to abuse it! i was so fucked up tired and stress looking but somehow gained a lil bit of energy and inspiration since it was this day wherein i knew that i got an 80 grade in my pre-finals so weee! haha. after 4pm me together w/althea my classmate. went to ilustre gs to look for something ... while walking i was like floating! my eyebags are like major grrr... so this is it! i am still alive people and kicking! just blogging!

Saturday 30 August 2008

i am so touched by it and i dont know why. its overwhelming.


Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand

Dont ask any questions and dont try to understand

Open up your mind and then open up your heart

And you will see that you and me arent very far apart

cause I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

Violence is spread worldwide and there are families on the street

And we sell drugs to children now oh why cant we just see

That all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today

Money is our incentive now so that makes it okay

But I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way
Ive been seeing lisa now for a little over a year

She said shes never been so happy but lisa lives in fear

That one day daddys gonna find out shes in love

With a nigger from the streets

Oh how he would lose it then but shes still here with mecause she believes that love will see it through

And one day hell understand

And hell see me as a person not just a black man

cause I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

I believe I believe I believe I believe that love is the answer

I believe that love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Love will find the way

Please love find the way

Please love find the way

Since we got a net connection at home my cyber world was just so updated. i was able to recover all my favorite hit songs since my grade school days. i started retrieving all my fave songs since i signed up w/a site named imeem. i realized that music or a song is a part of me. MTV opened up my music world. i still remember those days wherein i've been watching the top 20 songs of the month and who would get the number 1 spot. it was really fun and infact it thrilled me who'd get the number 1 spot.

SO WHAT ABOUT THIS SONG "i believe"? Well definitely im an asian and not a black man but this song is for everyone right? LOVE. EQUALITY. VIOLENCE IS SPREADING. DRUGS RISK ONES FUTURE. Well i guess this song indeed moved me. while listening to the song i felt really great and just wanna enjoy more of life and living it right. I heard this song long time ago and since then it became part of me. every lyrics of it was just so powerful and so overwhelming.infact what even made it greater is the video w/c quotes are being presented w/c i hope people should ponder upon. i as a person believe that there is more to life and we just have to seek it all by ourselves. what we have now in life is temporarily given to us by God what really matters is, is our dedication and love for Christ. yup, i agree i am not a prefect person and infact i am still in search of Christ and that i am still closed to the worldly stuff. but i guess this is how life works for me but i also know that life doesnt end here. i just live life happily each day despite life's challenges because i know through this it will make me a better person. this song also made me realized of my friends who i hope in the future will gain nothing but pure happiness and contentment in their hearts. i am blessed to be given so much friends and i will treasure them all. i also realized that my addictions in life arent that shallow and i do not demand so much of something. i mean i demand but not as severe like other children do to their parents who give so much pain without them realizing it. i can say that life for me is definitely great and fun. despite life's tribulation i know i can manage and w/my limitations in life i know id be in a safe ground. i dont know how my parents brought me up but i guess what i am now is the product of how much love they have showered upon me. i treat life optimistically and i am proud to be this way.

yes, i agree. Love is the answer and love will find the way. when you have the love burning in your heart definitely you just wanna share it and infect everyone. the person who has this gift definitely do not choose who's gonna get the love he/she has to give. it is good to show to someone or pass to someone the love that is overflowing in your heart. the person who has love will definitely enjoy the life.

so here is the link to the video w/c i hope you should ponder upon especially the qoutes being presented and which i have also saved. totally great! -

Wednesday 27 August 2008

what the fuck

ok so what am i gonna say here. mz. tine again introduced me to this site. i never knew victoria is holding my portrait! what the effin fuck! hahaha lolz. cool stuff isnt it? or better yet i'd be branded being so crazy posting this.well to whatever is this worth for.. well .. even me i do not know what worth does this have. enjoy life everybody. and keep on smiling =)

welcoming myself to this site

August 28, 2008 , around 1:30 pm here in Philippines and its official that i created an account w/the help of my friend, a promoter of this site(whoever owns this site you should pay my friend named -Mz. Tine Serrano.) hahahaha lolz.

well i guess i am the type of person who's not fond of writing something especially blogsss..which makes me wonder why am i writing now. well as they say everything happens for a damn good reason. so to my friend tine -ola mi amiga this better be good and will enhance my writing skills and make me jump like a kid. lolz.

so yea to start with. Hello everyone my name is Elbert Erikson Ramos Solon.i am a 21 year old pinoy dude who wants to graduate as soon as possible. i am on my 4th year college now taking up nursing. im not sure if this course truly is meant for me but i trust God that whereever i go and whatever i choose in life it is for my own good. People say i look snob and harsh at first glance but the truth is i can be a candidate for Presidency for being to friendly and loving while campaigning.lolz.well you know what i mean..

i have a pet named emoe and hes so adorable. i chose the name beacause when emoe was given to me by my aunt he looks so emo!! so sad looking! lolz! hahaha. i never thought i could own a puppy and even nurse one. infact i used to be the type of person wherein i couldnt allow myself to stay home or be home after my classes but because of emoe it feels great going home knowing i have a dog that will embrace me the moment i open our gate. but its sucks to think that maybe this is what parents feel the moment they go home and seeing their children. omg i cant be that yet.lolz

i love partying. and i believe that it makes me really alive and i dont know why. but unfortunately sticking to one place here in Davao makes me really just wanna vomit seeing same faces and same places. and the party scene is just declining. i prefer tehcno and house music but i love rock songs to w/c do give me hyper mode plus some alternative and old long lasting 80's to w/c makes me an all around lover of music.i love drinking but i do drink occasionally and my drink is always something mixed w/a lime or that sour taste.ever tasted the sour gummy bear? kind like that.. and yea gummy bear candy for me just removes my stress!
i treat people equally and i do not judged people easily. i welcome everybody as if i was their friend since pre-school. but i guess and as my friend told me that me being too friendly also gives people the chance to abuse me. that is why i set on limitations now.

i believe that there is more to life than superficial things. i admit i am a materialistic type of guy and i consider myself as a "one day millionaire" since whenever i have a money on hand at the end of the day it just disappears, i just cudnt help myself. behind that indeed my ultimate goal is whenever i buy stuff or spend on something i always do it for myself's comfort and to my friends. i know when i die i cant bring money in heaven(yea i should be in heaven, damn its too hot in hell haha lolz) but spending that money will add up giving me lasting memories being w/my firends w/c makes it all worth it. so i guess me being superficial isnt on a negative connotation right.

so i guess ill stop here.

some picture of me and again my friend who's the promoter of this site.lolz